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The influence of video consumption and how it is changing people

The Internet revolutionized the way we create and consume almost all forms of media.

Nowadays, the process of accessing media generates a whole different kind of experience: the social media data network, which captures the essence of what we want, what we view, who we watch, and our location while using it. The viewers, who were once passive observers, are now cast in a more central and powerful position than ever before.

Digital media often alters the media that came before it, and in surprising ways. As television first came out, critics expected it would put the book out of business, but it wasn't. Internet distribution, the long tail, emerging content producers, and user-generated media were all expected to eliminate tv consumption. In Hollywood, this elicited terror, while in Silicon Valley, it elicited joy. Technology executives reveled in taunting old media with new ways and warned the bureaucracy that "it's only a matter of time" at conventions. New media would splinter viewers, and social media would take over the public's interest. The Internet was on track to unleash an outbreak of attention deficit disorder, driving audiences away from regular tv programs in droves.

Channels are now creating niche shows for broader markets and relying on digital outlets for streaming and redistribution. Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, and HBO GO have all invented new ways of watching and facilitated creative video consumption. Binge-watching is a result of on-demand video services and social media, in which we watch a whole season (or more) of a show in a limited period. Originally, audiences had to watch tv shows as they aired or wait for them to be publicly distributed. Another way for viewers to absorb a large number of episodes at once was by boxed DVD seasons, although this also required waiting for networks to release seasons in stages. However, channels are now delivering whole seasons on channels like Netflix all at once. With enough free time, one can now consume a whole series in a concise time.

Not only have our viewing patterns improved, and so has the essence of video consumption. Television programs are now designed uniquely. The use of on-demand online videos to watch tv isn't the only significant shift in how we watch television. There has been a significant change in how we deal with entertainment shows and one another when experiencing them.

The culture of television has shifted to the Online as television has evolved from a collective appointment platform to an independent practice conducted on demand. The rapid increase in multiscreen use is perhaps one of the most important developments in contemporary video consumption. It has piqued the interest of both broadcast networks and technology executives. Content marketers create rich second-screen interactions for viewers that enrich the entertainment experience as audiences' familiarity with and dependence on online video consumption increases.


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