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RIPPLE E-ADVOCACY: SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) created a list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which we should strive to achieve by the end of 2030. One goal looks at economic progression: Decent Work and Economic Growth. It aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. However, the Pandemic halts economic growth and disrupts the work of many people around the world.

According to the United Nations, roughly 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy are at risk of losing their livelihood after the pandemic. This generates an economic recession, which is worse than the Great Depression in 1930. The pandemic created more unemployment, aggravated the inequality and gap among the financial classes.

Urgent economic policy is highly needed, especially for the most vulnerable sectors. Lower-wage income earners are the most affected sector. Additionally, they are at high risk as they worked in close physical proximity to others. In many cases, they also lack financial support from their company. Bold intervention measure is a must to ensure the safety and survivability of these affected sectors.

Developing countries mostly rely on tourism and export commodities — which succumbed to the economic pressure of the Pandemic.

The sudden stop in tourist visits due to the restrictions will hurt the tourism sector, which employs millions of people. And the export commodities will likely decline because of the strict policy in exporting resources to other countries. The detrimental effects of extended constraints on economic activity in developed economies will soon spill over trade and investment networks into developing countries.

Despite the economic setbacks and job instability that the Pandemic had created, Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth is still achievable with good governance, policy-making, and participation from the private sector.

How does Ripple VAs Sustain Decent Work?

With the growing restrictions in the movement of people, finding a decent job becomes a difficult task, especially for those who are still starting to learn and are relatively new in the business. However, Ripple VAs created an avenue for virtual assistants by giving them more work opportunities while at home. This has been the mantra of the company: To create a ripple of positive change.

How Ripple contribute to the Economic Growth

This Pandemic has changed how people perceive working: Instead of the traditional face-to-face, we are forced to transfer into the digital world. With the adverse effects of this crisis, Ripple aims to contribute by providing more opportunities to Filipinos, invigorating the virtual assistant industry in the Philippines, which contributes to the growth of the economy.

With thousands of satisfied clients worldwide, Ripple is one of the best Virtual Assistant companies in the Philippines. It generated work opportunities during the Pandemic, helping aspiring virtual assistants not only to sustain their work but also to contribute to the economy, which had been greatly affected by the Pandemic.


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