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Review, Restyle, Republish: Keys to Quality Content Auditing

Do you encounter a moment where you feel like your marketing drives are stuck in a rut? Being stuck is something you may not even heed at first, although you have kept revisiting and refining your website. This feeling often carves gradually over time. Each day, you might pursue the same habits. But, eventually, it senses less like you are acting toward something and more like you are just killing time. Frustrating, right? But, there are things that you can accomplish not only to think out why your contents are stuck but also discover how to make them valuable in your eyes and your customers'. Content auditing is the key!

The answer to building impact — and provoking authentic brand authority — is valuable and exciting content.⁣ Whenever your lead flow is not as intense as you crave, notice your organic content marketing and then audit it.⁣ By auditing your system and dealing with your content, you will guarantee that you are disseminating quality content to your followers and in a direction that they react. Content auditing is a vital content strategy nearly associated with your search engine optimization (SEO) and, of course, content marketing endeavors.

Provided how indispensable content is to the health of Ripple VAs' brand, online visibility, and general sales and marketing, the company always makes sure to keep every content in the best working order. Finding topics that will resonate with the company's audience has once started with the question: "How to do it?"

Flick through the content across your different marketing platforms last month and ask for the following:

1. Are you addressing the stuff your audience minds?⁣

It would help if you involved your audience when deciding your tone, content, and language; otherwise, your message may appear ineffective. When you realize more about your audience's context and challenges, you can formulate your topic more relevant to their reality. Calculating their degree of awareness and openness to your topic – as well as their behavior – will assist you in harmonizing your content. Last but not least, your audience will not fall asleep.

2. Would your goal customers feel you understand them?⁣ If so, where did you feel like you got it right?⁣

The best way to keep the conversation going is to find where your audience hangs out and go and join them. When you know where your ideal audience likes to hang out, you will leverage information to construct the content they like. While great content is worthwhile, you should not bother creating a piece of content unless you can carry a different and fresh perspective to the topic. Otherwise, your hard work will get lost in translation.

3. Does your content position you as an expert or authority?⁣

Expertise is proficiency over a topic, while authority is a lodged role of supremacy. Experts have a broad understanding of their area and may considerably impact their customers' activities. Authorities' impact moves beyond their customer footing to a more extensive community. Experts convey customer stories to verify their mastery. Authorities utilize enthusiasm and analogy to create their superiority and pull the exact people. Transitioning from an expert to an authority implies establishing more, entertaining more, and betting more. It is not a walk in the park, but the prizes are intense if it calls to you. Determine the right thing for you.

4. What do you need to improve?

If your objective is to just beat a specific number in earnings, guess⁣ what? You will sound "salesy" (a business term used to describe a salesperson who sells aggressively and superficially)! This strategy often makes the customers uncomfortable and anxious. Businesses dislike bargaining with salespeople who are intrusive and who do not give attention to the customers. That said, luring customers with something hyper-relevant to what they are reading — yet not — will piss them off. Be judicious!

Now that you have learned a few reflective questions to carry out your audit, here's how to administer a comprehensive content audit:

1. Review. Reexamining content gives you relief to either beg questions, recall information, or enhance your knowledge. In addition, integrating the proper review assists in promoting customer curiosity and engagement, transpiring in an immediate and favorable effect on deals.

2. Restyle. Do not get ahead of yourself: Ripple VAs is not telling you to revamp everything about your old content if there are ideas that "work" because they obtain a lot of engagement; think prudently about whether it is worth remaking them. Maybe all they require is a touch-up to link them with a fresh idea. In other words, do not feel restyling your content as a barrier to conquer, but rather as a chance to pause and reflect and then kick off again with restored energy.

3. Republish. Republishing content means you are likely to fetch extra shares and links to the content — an excellent opportunity to boost traffic or shove the content onto the main page of search results. Extending the life of your content breathes new life, and it tells the difference!


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