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MANAGEMENT FEATURE: Chief Accountability Officer (CAO) Hazel Cabante

A Visionary Advocate of Growth and Self-Improvement

In times of doubts and struggles, she grasps every opportunity to improve herself and the people around her. An advocate of continuous self-improvement and a believer of growth — that’s Ripple VA’s Chief Accountability Officer, Hazy.

Hazel Joy Cabante is a young and proactive virtual assistant from the Queen City of the South. She graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education Major in English at Cebu Normal University. Referred to as “Hazy” by her friends and family, the Chief Accountability Officer of Ripple VAs is a passionate and reliable lady who loves public speaking and debating. In addition, she is a heavy Netflix and food enthusiast who craves at the sight of pizzas and fried chicken.

Being the eldest among three siblings, she has harnessed the values of leadership, responsibility, and family-orientedness. Through this circumstance in life, she has learned how to persevere even in the most challenging times, take the lead with initiative, and accomplish things beyond expectations.

But more than that, Hazy also used to be a council officer and the prime minister of the Cebu Normal University Debate Team. In addition, she has had experiences working in the BPO industry and has served the public as part of the management team of a city mayor in Cebu. She has also taught public speaking to many and worked as an administrative officer for various companies before getting into Ripple.

She has also encountered a lot of struggles in life. During her college years, she worked as a student assistant. Earlier than that, she used to sell homemade delicacies made by her Lola to help support their needs. After that, she also looked for other jobs to earn extra money for her savings. Because of the struggles she has gone through, she seeks to pursue a financially independent life, but one not ruled over by the desire to have more money.

All of these experiences built her up and molded her to be the woman she is right now, leading her to become a pivotal part of the success of Ripple VAs as its Chief Accountability Officer. As the company’s in-charge of promoting personal accountability, Hazy takes active roles in assuring quality and ensuring that work-related issues are dealt with at the soonest time possible at the VA level before escalating it to the management. She also dips her fingers in different things, such as improving systems and procedures to make them more efficient and catering to the concerns, questions, and complaints from the VAs and the clients alike.

Being the Chief Accountability Officer, Hazy envisions Ripple VAs as a safe space for our virtual assistants to be more comfortable speaking out and sharing their problems and concerns. She also exerts efforts in showing the clients our genuine intention of helping them grow their businesses. Ultimately, she longs for Ripple VAs to grow, improve, and succeed continuously.

Speaking of “succeed”, she sees success not as a destination but as a continuous process and a lifelong journey of self-improvement. She gives importance to having a teachable heart as this will be a good start for one’s journey to success. Ladies and gentlemen, a visionary advocate of growth and self-improvement — that’s Chief Accountability Officer Hazel Joy Cabante.


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